Lactation Services

You are not alone! Breastfeeding is natural, but it is also learned. As a lactation consultant I am passionate about guiding new parents through this beautiful process.

We will develop a unique plan specific to you and your baby’s needs. No matter the difficulty, my lactation certification allows me to assess your baby’s feeding habits and your technique to provide you with tools and expert advice to empower you as a new mother.

During a personalized evaluation, I will weigh your baby, observe a feeding, and perform an oral examination of your baby. Here you can feel free to discuss any questions or concerns. I do everything I can to create a safe space for new parents and their babies. It is important that you feel comfortable and open with your breastfeeding consultant, and as your breastfeeding consultant/lactation consultant, this is my priority.

How I Can Help You: 


If you have experienced or observed one or more of the following, you may benefit from my lactation consultant services:

  • Sore or damaged nipples, blisters, or painful latch
  • Infant has difficulty latching on or refuses to latch
  • Painful breastfeeding
  • Painful pumping
  • Unproductive pumping
  • Supplementing or “triple feeding”
  • Low or slow weight gain
  • Concerns about milk supply: Too much or too little
  • Engorgement
  • Plugged ducts
  • Nipple confusion, nipple shield, or problems with bottles
  • Questions about tongue tie
  • Refusing one side, or other unusual breastfeeding habits
  • Managing breastfeeding in your daily life (e.g. managing sleeping and breastfeeding)
  • *Concern for intake/efficiency at breast - I have a scale I bring to each individual appointment and group session to determine how much your baby is consuming while breastfeeding

Insurance-Covered Lactation Care

I am affiliated with several insurance companies through The Lactation Network.  Click the link below to have your benefits checked.  Individual virtual and in-person appointments are available depending upon your location.

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