Feeding Education

Rest assured, there are resources and hope for you and the new eater in your life as you begin to navigate the journey of starting solids.

At Compass Feeding, I offer support for families struggling to know where to start. 

Purees?  Baby Led Weaning? 

Learn more below and, if you're still struggling with where to start contact me for assistance.

Every parent can relate to the fear that creeps in when it's time to introduce solid foods to their little one.


Grab this FREE quick-start food and skills guide packed with pictures, descriptions, helpful suggestions, AND recipes from a Speech-Language Pathologist,  IBCLC, and Certified Infant Feeding Educator.

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Can I offer purees?

  • Absolutely!!  This food texture has traditionally offered first and can be very beneficial first step.
    • Knowing the timeline and how to move beyond purees is a step some familes struggle with, which is why intervention, support, or additional education can be very beneficial!!

Baby-led Weaning

  • What is baby-led weaning?
    • Baby-led weaning refers to the practice in which babies six-months of age or older skip eating pureed or mushed foods and begin eating finger-foods as soon as the baby can safely self-feed and eat solids.
  • Should I start baby-led weaning and how do I start?
    • Before one asks the question “How do I start baby led weaning?” It is important to ask “Is baby led weaning for me?”
      • Each child is precious and unique and will therefore benefit from different practices throughout their development. It is important to consult a professional before implementing new strategies to feed your baby.
    • Please contact me if you would like to know more about baby-led weaning and whether or not it would benefit your baby. 

Why should I do baby-led weaning?

  • Baby-led weaning can have many benefits including but not limited to:
    • Can reduce fussiness around food and promote good eating habits/behaviors
      • The self-led sensory exploration of their foods can make mealtimes a fun and positive experience. As active participants in their own feeding process, they can explore new foods and textures at their own pace which can gradually and naturally increase their range of foods. It can also encourage healthier independent choices in the future.
    • Promotes family meals
      • During baby-led weaning, children eat with the family and are offered what the family is eating at mealtimes. Everyone eating the same foods at the same time promotes a united family meal.
    • Promotes awareness skills
      • The baby-led weaning process encourages and promotes body awareness by having children be in control of their feeding time.


If at any point during the solid food introduction process you feel unsure how to navigate the steps or concerned about how your child is interacting with foods, please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.