Marie E. Ferriolo-Tirb, MS, CCC-SLP, IBCLC, C-IFE

As the owner of Compass Feeding, I have had the honor of working in this amazing field for many years. I obtained my Masters of Science in 2008 and am a clinically-certified Speech-Language Pathologist. Throughout my career I have specialized in early language development and feeding issues, working with medical specialists and teams to ensure my patients and families are receiving comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care. 

After several years of working with breast-fed patients, I became an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) to provide a wider spectrum of support for breast-feeding moms and their children.

I recently added the Certified Infant Feeding Educator credential to my list to provide broader access to services through a virtual community and consultations.  Through this platform I am able to help families as they start introducing solids to their babies and provide expert guidance throughout the process.

My work has always focused on the relationship with eating and family.  It is important for parents to feel empowered to engage with their children.  It is my goal to reduce stressful situations while ensuring the family and child have fun.  I utilize a combination hands-on and coaching style in my practice.

I became a mom in 2019 which added another shift in my practice. Having my own child with feeding challenges reinforced the importance of setting realistic goals and expectations based on the family’s resources, mealtime environment, and daily routines.

I look forward to working with you and you child!!  If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask! I am here for you and your family.

