
compass feeding Jan 08, 2025

Welcome to my blog!!  After over a decade in the field as an infant feeding therapist, never did I think I'd be sharing recipes and stories about cooking.  I'm a Speech-Language Pathology (SLP), International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and Certified Infant Feeding Educator, and I help families navigate the first year (or two) of feeding their child.  This blog will mostly be dedicated to baby-led weaning, starting solids, and my journeys through this as a mom myself.  I am by no means a chef - I like to cook, and I like to alter recipes.  But I mostly love to make meals the entire family can share without having to prep and serve an entirely different meal for your little one.

So whether you have a newbie about to start solids, or you just need new and easy meals ideas for your week, stay tuned and enjoy!!

-Marie from Compass Feeding, LLC

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